The Eurasian otter(Lutra lutra), also known as the European otter, Eurasian river otter, European river otter, common otter, and Old World otter, is a semiaquatic mammal native to Eurasia and the Maghreb. The most widely distributed member of the otter subfamily (Lutrinae) of the weasel family (Mustelidae), it is found in the waterways and coasts of Europe, many parts of Asia, and parts of northern Africa. The Eurasian otter has a diet mainly of fish, and is strongly territorial. It is endangered in some parts of its range, but is recovering in others.

Eurasian otter(Lutra lutra) in Rotterdam Zoo
The Eurasian otter is the most widely distributed otter species, its range including parts of Asia and northern Africa, as well as being spread across Europe, south to Palestine. It prefers the open areas of the streams and also lives along the coast in salt water, but requires regular access to fresh water to clean its fur.
The Eurasian otter’s diet mainly consists of fish. Fish is its most preferred choice of food in Mediterranean and temperate freshwater habitats. During the winter and in colder environments, it also feeds on amphibians, worms, clams, crustaceans, insects, eggs, birds and sometimes small mammals, including young European beavers. It will also feed on a small amount of vegetation.
Here is an impression of animal photography of photography the Eurasian otter (Lutra lutra) in Rotterdam Zoo.